Monday, May 14, 2012

New Info: Iran Already Conducted Nuclear Testing; Drawing of IAEA Insider Shows Explosive Chamber

The Inquisitr website reports today (May 14, 2012) that a drawing has emerged -- and obtained by the Associated Press (AP) -- that shows Iran has probably already conducted explosives testing to develop nuclear weapons.

The drawing of the explosives chamber was given to the AP by an insider to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection program. The explosive testing chamber is believed to be located in the military site at Parchin Military Complex -- deep within Iran.

IAEA officials have refused to elaborate further on this new information for fear that doing so could endanger the informant's life.

Israel has indicated that it intends to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities before Iran develops a nuclear weapon -- which it had not expected to occur before several more months -- but this new insider information illustrates that Iran will develop nuclear weapons much sooner than Israel thought, since it is now believed that Iran has  already conducted explosives testing.

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