Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dutchman's Replica of Noah's Ark Is Completed; Built by Johan Huibers to Help Explain the Bible

The CNN website reports today (August 2, 2012) that a Dutchman has built a replica of Noah's Ark to biblical proportions, following a dream that his homeland would be flooded.

Johan Huibers -- a wealthy businessman -- built the vessel to the dimensions specified in the book of Genesis.

The finished craft -- which just opened to the public on the Merwede River in the Dutch town of Dordrecht -- is 137 meters long, 21 meters wide, and 14 meters high.

Huibers has filled the ark -- which will operate as a "Bible Museum" -- with life-sized plastic animals and an aviary of live birds to give visitors more interaction. "We wanted to build something that can help explain the Bible in real terms," Huibers said.

1 comment:

  1. This project was first reported in early 2008. See my report here:

    Here is current information on the ark and flood:
