Monday, June 11, 2012

Israel Begins Massing Africans for Deportation; Says Their Presence Destroys Character of Israel

The Reuters website reports today (June 11, 2012) that Israel has started rounding up African migrants in the first stage of a controversial "emergency plan" to intern and deport scores of thousands deemed a threat to the Jewish character of the state.

Israel Radio reported that dozens of Africans -- mainly from South Sudan -- had already been detained in the Red Sea resort of Eilat, including mothers and children.

"This is only a small group of the infiltrators," Interior Minister Eli Yishai said.

The goal is to repatriate all of the estimated 60,000 African migrants, whose growing numbers are seen by many Israelis as a threat to the long-term viability of the Jewish state of Israel.


  1. If these people from South Sudan are Jews, they are being sent to a country where they will be in the minority. South Sudan is predominantly Christian.

    The real issue is Jewish racism, I think. Israel wants to give the impression that Jews are white, but this betrays the truth. The father Abraham and his ancestors came from Sudan and the Nile Valley. Genesis 10 tells us that Abraham's Kushite ancestors migrated into Arabia and Mesopotamia. Zionists spin many myths that contradict the Hebrew Scriptures.

  2. I would have to agree that the real issue here is racism on the part of Israel.

    In its goal to deport some 60,000 blacks to Africa, the real reason is that Israel does not want blacks to assimilate into its "white nation."
