Sunday, June 3, 2012

COMMENTARY: Judge Denies Pastor's Freedom of Speech by Sentencing Him to Prison

A pastor in Black Earth, Wisconsin was sentenced last week to two years in prison for preaching that parents should spank their children -- even those as young as two months old -- with wooden spoons and rods when they misbehave.

Philip Caminiti, 55, pastor of Aleitheia Bible Church, was sentenced to prison by Judge Maryann Sumi, who emphasized that "child abuse" will not be tolerated.

Caminiti has appealed the judge's sentence, claiming that his First Amendment constitutional rights have been violated as a result of his sentence.

Although we do not agree with the pastor's beliefs with respect to spanking children, we do believe that his constitutional rights have been violated by the judge's ruling.

After all, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution "prohibits the making of any law abridging the freedom of speech..."

Consequently, it would behoove the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) -- and other freedom-supporting organizations -- to challenge the judge's finding in this case, and use their clout to help overturn it.

The fact is that the judge's sentencing of the pastor to prison in this case could have significant ramifications on the freedom of speech of all Americans.

Americans have been enjoying  freedom of speech since the United States became an independent nation more than 200 years ago. Indeed, it is a right to which all Americans are entitled -- and a right that must never be taken away from them.

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