Sunday, October 29, 2017

Pope: Christians Should Shape Europe's Future; Rel. Can Play a Key Role by Promoting Dialogue

Pope Francis said yesterday that Christians can play an important role in shaping Europe's future by promoting political dialogue "especially where it is threatened and where conflict seems to prevail," the Fox News website reports today (October 29, 2017).

Francis' fifth foreign policy speech on Europe, titled "To be the Soul of Europe," was made to a forum on Europe organized by the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Community.

Pointedly, Francis said politics, rather than promoting dialogue as it should, "is becoming instead a forum for clashes between opposing forces. The voice of dialogue is replaced by shouted claims and demands."

He added religion can play a positive role by promoting dialogue, and he called on Europeans "to restore dignity to politics and to view politics as a lofty service to the common good, not a platform for power."

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, in these turbulent times, both sides of the aisle can work towards more respectful discourse.
