Wednesday, October 17, 2012

COMMENTARY: U.S. Must Not Subject Itself to Four More Years of Obama's Policies

While watching the second presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney last night, a question was asked to President Obama. The questioner said, in effect, that he had voted for Obama for president four years ago, but was not sure he would vote for Obama this year,  because  he was disappointed that the president failed to carry out many of the promises he had made to improve the lives of Americans.

We can identify with this question, because we too voted for Obama for president four years ago, but -- due to our disappointment with his performance and his beliefs -- we plan to vote for Romney in the upcoming presidential election.

There are many reasons for our disappointment with President Obama's presidency. We will now briefly describe some of them.

The cost of a gallon of gasoline for a motor vehicle in America has sky-rocketed to about $4.00 a gallon -- nearly double of what it was when Obama became president. This huge increase in the price of fuel is inexcusable.

The cost of food, utilities, clothing, and other necessities has also increased significantly during the past four years.

In foreign affairs, President Obama has shown a weakness by failing to take military action against Syria, where more than 30,000 civilians -- including hundreds of innocent children and women -- have been killed under the tyrannical ruler Assad during the past year and a half. The killings in Syria still continue every day.

President Obama has also shown a weakness -- even a fear -- toward Iran by refusing to agree with Israel in its determination to prevent Iran from completing its nuclear facilities, as he has discouraged Israel from bombing these facilities. This despite the fact that the radical anti-Semitic dictator of Iran has publicly stated that Israel must be completely destroyed.

President Obama has spent more of the American taxpayers' money than all of the other United States presidents combined. Indeed, this is an incredible -- as well as a shameful -- accomplishment. Our children and future generations will be paying for this unnecessary wastefulness for many decades, thus being denied the ability to afford a home, a college education, and other things that Americans have enjoyed for many years.

Under Obama's presidency, more Americans than ever have been receiving food stamps, government welfare checks, and disability checks. In fact, a plethora of Americans believe that President Obama is leading the United States on a path to becoming a socialist nation, and he will achieve that goal if he serves another four years as president.

Finally -- and perhaps most important -- President Obama lacks the moral convictions of a true Christian, since he supports abortions, same-sex marriages, and mandated payments to persons for birth control supplies. We are adamantly opposed to these anti-Christian policies.

Beloved evangelist Billy Graham -- who has preached the Gospel to more people in live audiences than anyone else in history -- last week said, "I believe America is at a crossroads. I hope millions of Americans will join me in praying for our nation and vote for candidates who will support the biblical definition of marriage, protect the sanctity of life, and defend our religious freedoms."

To Billy Graham's spiritual words of wisdom, we will add just one word: "Amen!"

1 comment:

  1. I hope Romney can continue the momentum. In the debate, I liked how he said that he is a family man who has faith, etc. While Obama seems to criticize him for making a lot of money, he failed to mention that Romney gave 29 percent of his income to charity last year.
