Wednesday, October 10, 2012

COMMENTARY: School Employees Who Plotted to Remove Low-Performing Students Must Be Sentenced to Prison

A former school superintendent in the El Paso (Texas) Independent School District was sentenced to three and a half years in prison by a federal judge last week, because he participated in a conspiracy to improve the district's test scores by removing low-performance students from classrooms.

Lorenzo Garcia's ploy -- with the help of at least six other school district employees -- prevented hundreds of sophomores from taking the accountability tests. This illegal scheme resulted in a significant boost in federal funds for the school district and its personnel, since federal officials believed the district's test scores improved remarkably.

The FBI is still investigating this scheme, and is expected to make several more arrests in the near future.

One cannot help but wonder, How can a school superintendent -- as well as other school personnel -- be so greedy so as to deprive these children of the education they deserve and to which they are entitled?

Indeed, for school personnel to place their own selfish interests of illegally receiving federal money and "thumbing their noses" at the U.S. government -- while denying these low-performing helpless children an education -- can best be described as heartless individuals who are the scum of the earth.

The other six or more school personnel involved in this conspiracy -- in addition to the superintendent -- also need to be brought to justice quickly. We believe that they too should be sentenced to a prison term for their illegal and selfish activities.

The fact is that a prison sentence is the only punitive action that will effectively deter individuals from committing  this kind of activity in America's schools.

To allow a person to commit such selfish illegal acts in our schools -- without serving a prison sentence --  only assures the fact that similar additional illegal schemes to receive federal money will continue to occur.

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