Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Israel Has Tourism Record Despite Safety Fears; Over Three Million People Visited Israel in 2010

Israel is celebrating a new tourism record. For the first time ever, more than three million people have visited the Promised Land in 2010, according to the Christian Broadcast Network website.

Israel has set this record despite a worldwide economic recession and a common fear that the country is unsafe.

"For us, it shows that people trust coming to Israel," said Rafi Ben-Hur, deputy director general of the ministry of tourism. "That Israel is safe."

Evangelical Christians represent a substantial number of those visiting the Mideast nation. In fact, Christians make up more than 60 percent of all the tourists coming to Israel.

1 comment:

  1. t's great that more people are chosing Israel as thier vacation destination.
    There is plenty to see here-the beautiful north, great beach strip, Tel Aviv night life, Masada (UNESCO heritage site), Dead sea (salt lake, that has been chosen as one of the 28 finalists in the new7wonders campaign, you can vote here http://www.votedeadsea.com), Jerusalem and the holy sites, the desert in the south and of course Eilat (the diving site of Israel).
