Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Vets Furious Over US Flag with Obama's Picture; One Veteran Compares It to Flags of Stalin, Hitler

The Drudge Report website reports today (March 14, 2012) that an American flag in Lake County, Florida -- which features a picture of President Obama in place of the stars -- was taken down from the Lake County Democratic headquarters yesterday afternoon, after a furious veterans' group called it an outrage.

Korean War veteran Don Van Beck said his blood was boiling. "I can't describe how upset I was because you just don't do that to the American flag," Van Beck said.

Marine Corps veteran John Masterjohn was seeing red. "Joseph Stalin, pictures of Mao, pictures of Adolph Hitler. The pomp, the ceremony -- the flags like that," Masterjohn said.

"If you've been a veteran and fought -- and some died for this flag -- you don't want to see it desecrated. That's how simple it is," Van Beck said.

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