Thursday, December 6, 2018

School Bans Xmas Trees, Music, Candy Canes; Legal Org.:Ban Violates Student Const. Rights

A legal organization, that specializes in religious liberty issues, is urging a Nebraska school principal to overturn her directive that banned anything related to Christmas -- including Christmas music, Christmas carols, Christmas trees, candy canes, and the colors red and green -- the Christian Headlines website reports today (December 6, 2018).

"I come from a place that Christmas and the like are not allowed in schools, as over the years in my educational career, this has evolved into the expectation for all educators," Jennifer Sinclair, the principal of Manchester Elementary School, wrote in a letter to faculty.

The banned items involve not only religious symbols, but also secular ones, including Santa.

Liberty Counsel, a legal group that specializes in First Amendment issues, wrote the superintendent of Elkhorn Public Schools, urging him to overturn the policy. "The ban violates the U.S. Constitution by showing hostility toward Christianity," the letter read.

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