Friday, August 9, 2024

Ukraine Troops Attack Russia 's Kursk Region; Biggest Attack on Russia since War Began

 Russia's Ministry for Emergencies today (August 9, 2024) declared a "federal level" emergency four days after hundreds of Ukrainian troops poured over the border in Kyiv's biggest attack on Russian soil since the war began, the Euro News website reports. 

Ukrainian officials have refused to comment on the incursion, which is taking place about 50 kilometers southwest of Moscow. 

A top[ adviser to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, Myhailo Podalyak, said yesterday that border region attacks will cause Russia to" start to realize that war is slowly creeping inside Russia"

Ukraine has also kept up its strategy of hitting areas well behind the front with long--range drones, targeting military sites,  refineries, and other infrastructure. 

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