Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Buffalo Cath. Church Is Sold to Muslims

 The Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, New York has commented on the sale of a historic church to the local Muslim community, after a social media post about the deal triggered a deluge of outraged comments, the RT website reports today (August 20, 2024). 

St. Ann's Church was built in 1886. It was closed down in 2007, as there weren't enough parishioners to sustain it, and sold to a holding company in 2022. Earlier this month, however, it was an example of dwindling Christianity.

"Sold to the Islamic community for $250,000 who are converting the historic church into a mosque," an account named Father R. Vierling" posted on X with photos of the Gothic--style cathedral . The post was viewed 11 million times. 

Some comments beneath the post were so furious that the original poster had to respond, urging people not to direct their anger against the Islamic community.

Father Vierling blamed the demise of the parish on the changing demographics of the area and the inability to financially support the complex, noting t hat this "scenario is being played out in once large, urban dioceses across the country." 

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