Friday, August 23, 2024

Biden Voices Support for Ukraine with New U.S. Aid Package

U.S. President Joe Biden reiterated America's "unwavering support for the people of Ukraine in a phone call with President Volodymyr Zelensky today (August 23, 2024), Ukraine's Independence Day, the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty website reports. 

Biden also announced a new package of military aid for Ukraine that includes air--defense missiles, equipment to counter drones, anti--armor missiles, and ammunition.

According to an unidentified U.S. official, the package is worth $125 million, although the White House statement did not provide a figure. 

Biden praised Ukraine for repelling "Russia's vicious onslaught" and remaining "unbowed in the face of Russia's heinous war crimes and atrocities." He added, "Ukrainians have defended  the values that unite people across both of our nations and around the world -- including independence." 

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