Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pope Slams "Savage Capitalism" in Speech to Poor; Calls for a Revival of Values of Generosity, Charity

Pope Francis today (May 21, 2013) criticized what he called "savage capitalism" on a visit to a food kitchen, in an address in which he called for the values of generosity and charity to be revived, the Reuters website reports.

"A savage capitalism has taught the logic of profit at any cost, of giving in order to get, of exploitation without thinking of people... and we see the results in the crisis we are experiencing," the pope said.

Francis greeted the men and women coming to the "Gift of Maria" food kitchen, located at the walls of the Vatican.

The first non-European pontiff in centuries, the Argentine-born pope last week called for financial reform, condemning a "dictatorship of the economy" and a "cult of money." Since becoming pope in March, Francis has emphasized that he wants the 1.2-billion-member Catholic Church to help the poor and be more austere itself.

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