Friday, May 12, 2023

Survey: More Praying in US Than People Expect; Over 60 Percent of Americans Pray Twice a Day

According to the results of a survey of more than 1,700 Americans that was released on May 4, "there is more praying taking place than people expect," the New American website reports today (May 12, 2023). 

John Dye, executive director of Skylight, which commissioned the study conducted by City Square Associates, said the survey revealed that people "are frequently exploring their spiritual side and using prayer to work through adversity, finding meaning and creating a connection with a Higher Power."

The group learned that more than 60 percent of Americans pray regularly, and more than 80 percent of those believe rtheir prayers are being answered.They pray an average of twice a day for 18 minutes, mostly by themselves. 

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