Sunday, April 26, 2015

Jewish Congress Head Warns of a New Holocaust; Says Soaring Anti-Semitism Leading to Same Hell

One of the world's most prominent Jewish leaders warned today (April 26, 2015) that just 70 years after the Holocaust, the world is "descending into the same, dangerous hell where we found ourselves before," the Algemeiner website reports.

Speaking at the 70th anniversary ceremony for the liberation of Bergen-Belsen at the Bergen-Belsen Memorial in Lohheide, Germany, World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald Lauder praised Jewish resilience following the slaughter of six million Jews at the hands of the Nazis and their collaborators.

"From the ashes of this terrible place, the Jewish people rose up and moved on," he said. "But tragically," he warned, "seventy years later, the world is not moving on; it is moving backward."

"Today, seventy years after this camp was liberated, we hear the same anti-Semitic lies. Today, a Jewish boy wearing a yarmulke cannot walk down the street in Paris or London or Copenhagen without fearing for his life," Lauder said. "Right wing neo-Nazi groups are winning seats in Parliament in Hungary and Greece. Iranian leaders repeatedly promise to wipe Israel from the pages of time."

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