Friday, August 30, 2024

Most Regretted College Major Is Humanities

 If you studied humanities, life sciences, or law in college, there is a better --than--40% chance you regret the choice now, the USA Today website reports today (August 30, 2024). 

That's the takeaway from a report by the Federal Reserve, whose researchers  perennially ask college graduates whether they would choose a different field of study if they were granted a do--over. The Fed reports levels of college satisfaction across broad academic categories in a report titled Economic Well--Being of U.S. Households in 2023, published earlier this year. 

Researchers asked college completers if they would choose a different field now. 

The most--lamented majors: social and behavioral sciences, regretted by 44% of grads, followed by humanities and arts (43%), life sciences (also 43%), law (41%), and education (38%). 

The least--regretted fields were: Engineering, a choice regretted by only 27% of graduates, followed by computer and information sciences (31%)and health (32%). Across all fields of study,35% of college graduates said they would pick a different major, given a second chance. The vast majority of college graduates with bachelor's degrees  -- more than 80% -- say their education helped prepare them for a well--paying job, according to a May report from Pew Research.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Pope: Pushing Back Migrants Is a "Grave Sin"

 Pope Francis recently said those who refuse to offer aid to migrants attempting to cross into Europe are committing a "grave sin," the RT website reports today (August 29, 2024). 

Speaking at the regular papal audience on August 28, the head of the Roman Catholic Church drew attenton to the fate of scores of migrants attempting to reach European shores, particularly via the Mediterranean route. 

Referring to the Mediterranean Sea as Mare Nostrum -- a label used by the ancient Romans -- Francis argued that it should be "a place of communication between peoples and civilizations" but instead "has become a cemetery." 

The pope said the thousands of deaths in the region were avoidable, denouncing those  "who systematically work, using all means, to push back migrants."

"And this, when done with conscience and responsibility, is a grave sin," he warned citing the Bible as saying , "You shall not wrong or oppress a foreigner." 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Calif. Passes School Cellphone Restrictions

 California state lawmakers have approved a bill requiring all public schools to devise a policy by July 1, 2026, to limit or prohibit the use of smartphones during the school day, the Los Angeles Times  website reports today (August 28, 2024). 

It would force distracted , cell--obsessed students to do something many haven't ben willing to do on their own: put their phones away in class. The legislation is expected to be signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, who urged educators as the academic year began to enact restrictions , citing the "mental health, scholastic, and social risks" of phone use in classrooms. 

California would be the fifth state to require school districts to limit students' phone usage, joining Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio, and Virginia.

The bill also includes a few exceptions -- schools cannot prohibit students from using phones for individualized instruction, medical necessity, and in emergencies. A teacher or administrator can also grant permission. 

The proposed law does not include details on what constitutes an emergency, leaving it to schools to decide. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Research Study: Nearly Half of World's Migrants Are Christian

 The world's 280 million immigrants have greater shares of Christians, Muslims , and Jews than the general population , according to a recent Pew Research Center study,released yesterday, the Christian Today website reports t oday (August 27, 2024).

"You see migrants coming to places like the U.S., Canada, different places through Western Europe, and being more religious -- and sometimes more Christian in particular -- than the  native--born people in those countries," said Stephanie Kramer, the study's lead researcher. 

While Christians make up about 30% of the world's population, the world's migrants are 47% Christian, according to the latest data collected in 2020.  The study found that Muslims make up 29% of the migrant population, but  25 of the world's population. Jews, only 0.2% of the world's population, but 1% of migrants are by far the most likely religious group to have migrarted, with 20% of Jews worldwide living outside their country of birth, compared to just 6% of Christians and 4% of Muslims. 

Four percent of migrants are Buddhist, matching the general population , and 5% are Hindu, compared to 15% of the world population.

Although people immigrate for many reasons -- including economic opportunity, reuniting with family, and fleeing violence or persecution -- religion and migration are often closely connected, the report finds. Moreover, U.S. migrants are much more likely to have a religious identity than the American--born population in general.

Monday, August 26, 2024

U.S. Now Builds a Hydrogen Economy

 The U.S. Dept. of Energy's Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs Program uses economic clusters to drive innovation, cut costs, and accelerate green hydrogen adoption across the country, the Observer website reports today (August 26, 2024).

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, passed by Congress in 2021, includes up to $7 billion to fund a Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs Program. The U.S. Dept. of Energy administrator states that its goal is to facilitate  the creation of "large--scale commercially viable hydrogen ecosystems." 

The term "cluster" as an economic construct was explained by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter in 1998 as "geographic concentration of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field." The great benefit of clusters, Porter says, is that they encourage interactions across cluster members that foster a variety of productivity enhancements. "The enduring competitive advantages in a global economy lie increasingly in local things -- knowledge, relationships, motivation -- that distant rivals cannot match."

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Pope to Politicians: Build a World of Fraternity, Justice, and Peace

 Pope Francis called the heart of war an "abyss of evil" during a meeting with International Catholic politicians and legislators at the Vatican on August 24, the Catholic News website reports today (August 25, 2024). 

"Our consciences cannot fail to be moved by the scenes of death and destruction daily before our eyes, the pope said about the many violent conflicts taking place around the globe. 

"We need to hear the cry of the poor, the widows and orphans of which the Bible speaks," he continued, "in order to see the abyss of evil at the heart of war and to resolve by every means possible to choose peace."

Francis addressed the topic of war in an audience with members of the International Catholic Legislators Network (ICLN) in the Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace.

He said it was imperative to renounce war as a suitable way of resolving international conflicts and establishing peace, urging the Catholic legislators and all men and women of goodwill "to build a world -- to cultivate a garden -- marked by fraternity, justice, and peace." 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Vandal Sought for Spray Painting Antisemitic Images on Queens Street

A vandal armed with spray paint is being sought by police for scrawling  antisemitic images along a busy Queens street, the Daily News website reports today (August 24, 2024). The bearded suspect, wearing a striped shirt, gray sweat pants, and a black backpack, left swastikas and other graffiti in blue paint on electrical boxes, walls, poles, and other spots, along Jamaica Avenue near 91 St.  shortly after 12 a.m. on  August 14.

Local shopkeepers reported the graffiti to police, who recovered surveillance images of the man walking down the street holding a can of spray paint. 

Members of the NYPD's Hate Crimes Task Force are investigating the swastika spree, police said. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Biden Voices Support for Ukraine with New U.S. Aid Package

U.S. President Joe Biden reiterated America's "unwavering support for the people of Ukraine in a phone call with President Volodymyr Zelensky today (August 23, 2024), Ukraine's Independence Day, the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty website reports. 

Biden also announced a new package of military aid for Ukraine that includes air--defense missiles, equipment to counter drones, anti--armor missiles, and ammunition.

According to an unidentified U.S. official, the package is worth $125 million, although the White House statement did not provide a figure. 

Biden praised Ukraine for repelling "Russia's vicious onslaught" and remaining "unbowed in the face of Russia's heinous war crimes and atrocities." He added, "Ukrainians have defended  the values that unite people across both of our nations and around the world -- including independence." 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

FDA: COVID--19 Vaccines Ready for Fall

 Millions of updated COVID--19 vaccines will soon be ready for patients, following Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval announced today (August 22, 2024) the USA Today website reports. 

The updated vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna for people ages six months and older come amid a summer surge in COVID--19 cases across the U.S. Walgreens and CVS , two of the largest chains, told USA Today shipments of the vaccines could arrive a few days after FDA approval.

The new vaccines are designed to target the most dominant recent variants of the virus and protect against serious illness. Getting the shot  now will offer protection when the anticipated winter surge comes and other respiratory illnesses become more prevalent,  as people congregate indoors. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Report: RFK Jr. to Exit Race, Back Trump

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could exit the presidential race on August 23 and endorse GOP nominee Donald Trump, according to ABC News and NBC News  citing anonymous sources, the USA Today website reports today (August 21, 2024).  

Kennedy's leave would mean the end of a potential spoiler campaign and sets the contest dedidedly between  Vice President Kamala Harrris, the Democratic nominee, and former President Trump. 

 The decisaion is not yet finalized , as those close to Kennedy tell USA Today they do not expect him to drop out. 

Kennedy's campaign announced earlier today that he will make an address to the nation on August 23 in Arizona, where he will talk about "the present historical moment and his path forward."

An ABC reporter said in a post on X he asked Kennedy if he would endorse  Trump. "I will not confirm or deny that," Kennedy said, according to the reporter. "We are not talking about any of that." 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Buffalo Cath. Church Is Sold to Muslims

 The Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, New York has commented on the sale of a historic church to the local Muslim community, after a social media post about the deal triggered a deluge of outraged comments, the RT website reports today (August 20, 2024). 

St. Ann's Church was built in 1886. It was closed down in 2007, as there weren't enough parishioners to sustain it, and sold to a holding company in 2022. Earlier this month, however, it was an example of dwindling Christianity.

"Sold to the Islamic community for $250,000 who are converting the historic church into a mosque," an account named Father R. Vierling" posted on X with photos of the Gothic--style cathedral . The post was viewed 11 million times. 

Some comments beneath the post were so furious that the original poster had to respond, urging people not to direct their anger against the Islamic community.

Father Vierling blamed the demise of the parish on the changing demographics of the area and the inability to financially support the complex, noting t hat this "scenario is being played out in once large, urban dioceses across the country." 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Talk Show Host Phil Donahue Dies at 88

 Talk show host Phil Donahue , a legend of daytime telecvision, has died at the age of 88, the USA Today website reports today (August 19, 2024). 

The Emmy Award winning journalist died yesterday (August 18) following a long illness , his family told NBC's "Today."

Marlo Thomas, his beloved wife of over 40 years, paid tribute to her late husband on Instagram today, sharing "one of her favorite photos" of her and Donahue, fearturing the two of them riding a moped while on vacation together many years ago. 

"I'm sure by now you've heard the very sad news that I lost my sweetheart last night, so I know you understand that I'll be stepping away from this page for a while to take care of myself and the many people who took care of Phil, and hold him close to their hearts," she wrote in the caption. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Report: Evangelicals Make Up Smaller Share of U.S. Pop. than Commonly Thought

 Evangelicals make up a far smaller share of the United States population than expected due to a musunderstanding of the term, a new research report states, finding that the lack of a uniform biblical worldview among Evangelicals has negative implications,  the Christian Post website reports today (August 18, 2024). 

The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, led by longtime Evangelical pollster George Barna, released the fourth installment of its American Worldview Inventory 2024 last week. 

The report concluded that "Evangelicals are fewer in number than typically reported , often are far less biblical in their thinking than one might assume, and tend to vote in a far fewer number than expected. 

The data in the report is based on the American Worldview Inventory,  a survey of 2,000 adults conducted by  Arizona Christian University in January 2024. The Cultural Research Center estimates that Evangelicals constitute  10%  of adults in the U.S. , between 20 and 30 million people. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

New Real Estate Agent Rule Goes into Effect

New rules for the residential real estate market mean  that starting today ( August 17, 2024), anyone in the markwet to buy or sell a home will encounter unfamiliar processes, and possibly a bit of confusion, the USA Today website reports. 

The "practice changes" stem from a 2023 legal decision over the way real estate agents were compensated. 

Traditionally, when a home was sold, a commission of roughly 5% to 6%  was paid by the seller and divided between the agents for the buyer and the seller. That process helped keep commissions higher than they would otherwise be, the lawsuit alleged.  It also meant a seller had to pay the agent representing the other side of the deal, a practice many observers thought was inappropriate.

"So much of the industry doesn't make sense  from a common sense point of view," said Stephen Brobeck, a senior fellow with the Consumer Federation of America, who has been advocating for realtor changes for decades. "The key argument was it's just not fair for sellers to pay both the listing agent and the buyer's agent." 

Now, a seller will need to decide wherther , and how much , to pay a buyer's broker. Whatever the decision, that information can no longer be included in what is known as the "multiple listing service" or MLS, the official real estate data service used by local realtor associations.

Whatever the seller decides about compensation may, however, be communicated personally by phone or text, or advertised by social media, a sign on the lawn, or other informal means. 

Buyers will be required to sign an agreement with their own broker before starting to view homes. The buyer and the agent must agree, and put in writing, how much the agent can expect to receive from the buyer. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

50 Christians Killed in Nigeria; Due to Land Disapute with Criminal Gang

At least 50 Christians were brutally killed on August 8 in the predominantly Christian village of Ayati, located in Ukum County, Benue State, Nigeria, the Christian Today website reports today (August 16, 2024).  

Local reports indicate that the deadly assault was allegedly carried out by Fulani herdsmen in collaboration with a criminally motivated gang. 

The attack occurred around 5:00 p.m., leaving the local community devastated. Tivta Samuel, a resident of the area, confirmed the tragic event stating, "Suspected herdsmen militias killed over 50 Christians in Ayati village." Another  local, Abraham Waroh, corroborated this, identifying "Fulani herdsmen militias" as the attackers, Christian Daily International Morning Star News reports. 

The violence reportedly stemmed from a land dispute , with the criminals allegedly "selling" the villagers' land to the herdsmen. 

Shima Ayati, a local resident and former gubernatorial candidate, explained that after the herdsmen began grazing their cattle on the land, the farmers lodged complaints with government authorities. The government dispatched the state security outfit who came and chased the herdsmen away and burnt their tents  which got them angry," Ayati said. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ohio Investigators Rule 4 Church Fires Due to Arson; U.S. Violence against Churches on the Rise

A string of rural Ohio church fires has left both parishoners and investigators with many questions and few answers, the CBN website reports today (August 15,2024). 

"We haven't had a graffiti situation, we haven't had anything left at the scene that would say that there's hatred toward the Church, or hatred toward God. We don't have any of those factors," said Josh Hobbs, Chied of the Ohio Fire Marshal's Fire and Explosion Investigation Bureau.

Hobbs tells CBN News they are now confident these are all acts of aeson and were likely committed by the same person or group of people. 

"So a couple of these churches, perhaps, were unoccupied at the the time of the fire and had no electric service... so we knew there was a human act involved. And then when you have other fires in that area , you know, you start putting two and two together... you have a pattern," Hobbs explained. 

The first fire happened at Kokeen Enterprise Baptist Church in April of 2022. Then nothing for two years , until May, July, and August of this year, when three more churches were set on fire, all in close proximity to the first. 

Churches in America are experiencing record levels of violence and hostility. A Family Research Council Report shows incidents have more than doubled since 1922, with a majority reported as vandalism or arson. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Columbia U. President Resigns; Due to Pro--Palestinian Protests on Campus

 Columbia University President Minouche Shafik resigned today (August 14, 2024) amid criticism of her handling pro--Palesrtinian protests, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency website reporrts. 

Her decision to resign comes after widespread , sustained criticism of how she handled pro--Palestinian protests that have convulsed the Ivy League university since October 7. 

Katrina Armstrong, the CEO of Columbia's medical center, will serve as interim president, the Columbia Spectator student newspaper reported. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Newark Abp.: All Citizens Should Engage in the Political Process

 At a time of inflamed  political rhetoric, where neither major party candidate fully represents Chirch  teaching on the issues, Cardinal Joseph Tobin is reminding Catholics of  their duty to actively participate in the political process, the CRUX website reports today (August 13, 2024). 

"In this time of political uncertainty, it is tempting to be cynical about the motivations and tactics of politicians and to want to disengage from politics , but in spite of  what people often say, "politics is not a dirty word," Tobin said. "In fact, as Pope Francis forcefully reminds us, committed Christians and faithful citizens need to participate actively in politics to ensure the common good." 

Tobin, the archbishop of Newark, New Jersey, made the comments in a recent letter to the faithful where he acknowledges the threats America and the world face, and poses the question ,"Is it really possible for the country to persist as a free society 'that ensures liberty , justice, and equality for all?'"

"I believe the answer is a resounding 'Yes!' Tobin wrote in the letter, published August 9. "But to be successful, all citizens must have reasonable confidence in their political leadership, and they must engage in the political process in meaningful ways."

Monday, August 12, 2024

Inflation Has Eased; Americans Still Worry about Rise in Prices

 Inflation has eased, but Americans still worry about the total rise in prices since COVID, the USA Today website reports today (August 12, 2024). 

They still shop at discount stores and buy store--brand items. 

Fresh data reveal that shoppers have become more price sensitive recently even as inflation has cooled, at least partly because  their COVID--ers savings have dwindled.

Annual inflation has eased from a 40--year --high of 9.1% in mid 2022 to 3% in June 2024, according to the Labor Department's consumer price index.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Survey: Cliques, Exclusion Top Reasons Americans Aren't Getting More Involved in Their Churches

 A new survey suggests that exclusion and the existence of cliques are the most common reasons why Americans don't want to get more involved in their churches and houses of worship, even though most don't report any negative experiences with their congregations , the Christian Post website reports today (August 11, 2024). 

The Amewrican Bible Society released the fifth chapter of its "State of the Bible USA 2024" report on August 8. The latest installment focuses on Americans' involvement with worship communities and what factors lead them to increase or decrease their involvement with their own congregations. 

The data is based on responses collected from 2,506 U.S. adults between Jan. 4 and 23, 2024. 

American Bible Society Chief Innovation Offcer  and State of the Bible series Editor--in--Chief John Farquhar Plake said, "When churchgoers feel they belong, they participate more.. And when they feel excluded by cliques, they drift away."

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Wisconsin Case Questions Whether Catholic Charities Are "Religious"

 In a case that could have broad national implications, a Wisconsin Catholic Charities branch has petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a state Supreme Court decision that its activities are not primarily religious , therefore denying it an exemption  from paying into the state's unemployment  compensation program, the CRUX website reports today (August 10, 2024). 

In March, the Wisconsin Supreme Court affirmed a lower court decision from a year earlier that the activities of Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Superior are not primarily religious. The ruling denied the organization from a religious exemption  from paying into the state's unemployment compensation program,and prevented it  from joining the Church's own unemployment program. 

 The work of the Catholic  Charities  in the Diocese of Superior mirrors that of the Catholic Charities branches nationwide. The organization helps people in the area with education in life skills, vocations and employment housing, infant development,in--home nursing services, and independent living assistance.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Ukraine Troops Attack Russia 's Kursk Region; Biggest Attack on Russia since War Began

 Russia's Ministry for Emergencies today (August 9, 2024) declared a "federal level" emergency four days after hundreds of Ukrainian troops poured over the border in Kyiv's biggest attack on Russian soil since the war began, the Euro News website reports. 

Ukrainian officials have refused to comment on the incursion, which is taking place about 50 kilometers southwest of Moscow. 

A top[ adviser to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, Myhailo Podalyak, said yesterday that border region attacks will cause Russia to" start to realize that war is slowly creeping inside Russia"

Ukraine has also kept up its strategy of hitting areas well behind the front with long--range drones, targeting military sites,  refineries, and other infrastructure. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Blinken:U.S. Pressing Middle East to Avoid War

 U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said today (August 7, 2024) Washington is preparing to help Israel fend off an imminent retaliatory strike by Iran, the RT website reports. 

All parties in the Middle East, including Israel,should refrain from escalatory actions,  U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said. 

The region is bracing for an Iranian retaliation for the assassination of a senior  Hamas official, which Iran blamed on Israel. 

Isamail Haniyeh, who was the political leader of the Palestinian militant movement, was killed last week in a bombing, after he travelled to Iran from his usual place of residence in Qatar. Tehran has vowed revenge against Israel,accusing it of violating Iranian sovereignty.

Blinken reiterated Washington's commitment to defending Israel, but stressed that the Jewish state should moderate its actions. He addesd that the U.S. will "press everyone involved, including Israel, to avoid anything that could actually escalate the conflict."

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Kamala Harris Picks Minn. Gov. Tim Walz as Her VP

 Vice President Kamala Harris today (August 6, 2024) picked Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota, as her vice presidential running mate, the USA Today website reports. 

Walz has decades of political experence inside and outside of Washington, and he has spent time courting pivotal Midwestern voters. But that doesn't mean most Americans know his name. In fact, 71% of Americans said they've never heard of Walz or were unsure how to rate him , according to a NPR/PBS/ Marist national survey released this week. 

Here's what we know about Walz:

Tim Walz, a member of the Democratic Farmer-Labor Party, was elected governor of Minnesota in 2018 and re-elected in 2022.

Born in Nebraska, Walz joined the Army National  Guard after graduating high school in 1981. He worked as a high school teacher and football coach . After retiring from the military in 2005, Walz represented Minnesota's First Congressional District until he was inaugurated as governor in 2019.

In his 2024 State of the State address, Gov. Walz emphasized reproductive rights. Walz also highlighted the signing of the Protection of Reproductive Options (PRO) Act and praised Minnesota's high voter turnout and election law reform. 

Gov. Walz has spoken against book bans and worked to increase funding for childcare across Minnesota, which now has the nation's most significant child tax credit.

Monday, August 5, 2024

America's Best and Worst States for Rel. Liberty

 For the second year in a row, Illinois has ranked as the best state for religious liberty because it has the most safeguards in place, while a majority of other states continue to lack adequate protections for people of faith , the Christian Today website reports today (August 5, 2024). 

The Center for Religion, Culture and Democracy at First Liberty Institute released its third annual Religious  Liberty in the states report last week. The report ranks all 50 states based on the presence or absence of religious liberty safeguards . Illinois was ranked the best state for religious liberty, while West Virginia was ranked the worst. 

Besides Illinois, other states that received a score of at least 50% on the issue of religious liberrty were Florida (73%), Montana (66%), (Arkansas (66%), Mississippi (65%0, Ohio (65%), South Carolina (64%), Utah (61%), Washington (59%), Maryland (58%), New Mexico (56%), North Dakota (52%), and Hawaii (51%).

Joining West Virginia in the bottom 10 were Alaska (29%), California (29%), Vermont (29%), Wyoming (30%), New York (33%), New Jersey (33%), Colorado (34%), Michigan (35 %), and New Hampshire (35%).

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Jerry Falwell Jr., Liberty University Reach Agreement

Liberty University and its former chancellor, Jerry Falwell Jr., have agreed to a settlement, ending litigation that stemmed from Falwell's  ouster as leader of the Virginia -- based Evangelical academic institution, the Christian Post website reports today (August 4, 2024). 

Acording to an announcement released August 2 , the two parties stated that they "have reached a global resolution agreement settling all outstanding disputes on both legal and personal matters. 

"This agreement is grounded in a firm commitment to protecting and preserving Liberty's original mission of developing Christ--centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills essential to impact the world, " they said.  

Saturday, August 3, 2024

U.S. Unemployment Rate Increases

The U.S. unemployment rate rise to 4.3% from the 4.1% recorded in June marks the fourth straight monthly increase, the RT website reports today (August 3, 2024).  

The unemployment rate rose for the fourth straight month in Julyto 4.3%, up from 4.1% the previous month , the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on August 2. The figure is the highest since the onset of the pandemic. 

Average hourly earnings increased 0.2% in July after wages increased 3.6%, demonstrating  the smallest year--on--year growth since May 2021, and leaving wage growth just above the 3.0%--3.5% range seen as  consistent with the Fed's 2% inflation target. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

U.S. Senate Passes "Kids Online Safety Act"

The U.S. Senate on July 30, 2024 voted overwhwelmingly to approve bipartisan legislation intended to protect children from dangerous online content and hold tech companies 

to bettter account for harm suffered by minors on the intrnet, the CBS News website reports today (August 2, 2024).  

Passsed 91--3 . the "Kids Online Safey Act was written and introduced by Democratic Se. Richard Blumenrthal of Conn. and Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tenn. The legislation was prepared in response to pleas from parents whose children committed suicide as a result of online bullying or other dangerous content , CBS said. 

The bill places a "duty of care" on tech companies , requiring them to take "reasonable" steps to prevent harm on online platforms frequently used by minors.