Saturday, July 20, 2024

Pope Grants Indulgences ; for World Day of Elderly, Grandparents

 On July 18, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis has authorized the granting of indulgences to those who participate in the upcoming World Day for Elderly and Grandparents later this month , the CRUX website reports today (July 20, 2024). 

The World Day for Elderly and Grandparents was instituted  by Pope Francis in 2020, amid the  COVID--19 pandemic, which disproportionately impacted the elderly and left many isolated from family and lonely as a result  of social distancing and lockdown requirements. 

In charge of organizing the event , scheduled for July 28 is the Vatican's Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, led by American Cardinal Kevin Farrell. 

This year, on the fourth edition of the event, the Vatican's Aposstolic Penitentiary has offered plenary indulgences to those who participate "in order to increase the devotion of the faithful and for the salvation of  souls,"according to a statement from the Penitentiary published July 18.                                  

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