Saturday, October 27, 2012

Justice Dept. Files a Lawsuit Against a Miss. Town; Meridian Hauls Misbehaving School Kids to Prison

A Mississippi town is facing a federal lawsuit for operating schools that handcuff and send children to prison for minor classroom infractions -- such as violating the dress code or talking back to teachers -- the RT (Russia Today) website reports today (October 27, 2012).

Students in the town of Meridian have spent days in prison 80 miles away from their school without a probable cause hearing. They were not read their Miranda rights and at times spent more than 48 hours waiting for a hearing, which violates their constitutional rights.

All of the imprisoned children referred to court were minorities -- mostly African-Americans and children with disabilities -- the lawsuit states.

Federal civil rights lawyers filed the lawsuit two months after the U.S. Justice Department warned local and state officials they had 60 days to end the jailing procedures. The defiant Mississippi town of Meridian has failed to end the jailing.

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