Monday, September 12, 2011

NYC Mayor Says It Is All Right to Spy on Muslims; Bloomberg: NYC Spying Meant to Be Preventative

The Associated Press website reports today (September 12, 2011) that it has unearthed information confirming that the New York City Police Department -- under the guidance of a CIA operative -- has placed clandestine cops in Muslim-majority neighborhoods, in order to infiltrate the community and identify factors that could signal an eventual terror attack.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is defending this kind of surveillance -- despite the fact that it violates individuals' constitutional rights -- and he even goes so far as to say that he plans to monitor additional areas soon.

"As the world gets more dangerous, people are willing to have infringements on their personal freedoms that they would not before," Bloomberg told the Associated Press.

Instead of agreeing that the secret surveillance is spying on Muslims without a specific justification, Bloomberg says that the spying techniques are meant to be "preventative."

There is an old adage that can be applied to Bloomberg's implementation and support of these illegal activities: "The end justifies the means."

What do Theology and Society readers think about these illegal secret surveillance activities being conducted in NYC against Muslims? Are these activities justified (because of September 11, 2001) even though they deny Muslims their constitutional rights? Should individual rights transcend these illegal terror "preventative" activities. Please feel free to leave a comment on this controversial situation.

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