Thursday, June 6, 2024

Over 1 Million UMC Members Vote to Leave Denomination; Due to Removing Rules that Prohibited Same--Sex Unions

The United Methodist Church Council of Bishops has issued an official response to the news that a regional body with over one million members had voted to leave the denomination, the Christian Post website  reports today (June 6, 2024).

The Cote d'Ivoire Conference,based in West Africa, voted last month to leave the UMC over the denomination removing rules that prohibited the blessing of  same--sex  unions and the ordination of people in same--sex relationship from the Book of Discipline. UMC Council of Bishops President Tracy Malone said in a statement issued June 5 that she acknowledged the vote and the bishops were working with the conference as it becomes an autonomous church body. 

"While we grieve Cote d'Ivoire Conference's decision to separate from the United Methodist Church,  we commit to work with them through the process of becoming an Autonomous Methodist Church." stated Malone. 

"While we are not all of one mind in all things, the strength of our connection is love, respect, compassion, and a shared commitment to faith in Jesus Christ." 

Malone added that UMC "Is a worldwide denomination that shares the same Constitution , Doctrinal Standards, Theological Task, Social Principles, and embraces the cultural, contextual , and theological differences across the connection," 

"The General Conference decisions that removed the restrictive language in the Book of Discipline related to to LGBTQIA persons do not force pastors or churches to act contrary to their conscience and make decisions in their missional contexts," she continued. 

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