Wednesday, July 21, 2010

COMMENTARY: Ground Zero No Place for Mosque; Would Insult 9/11 Terrorist Victims

The Muslim desire of having a mosque near Ground Zero in New York City is one that should not become a reality.

Hundreds of innocent Americans lost their lives at Ground Zero on September 11, 2001, when several Muslims intentionally crashed two airplanes into two towers of the World Trade Center.

To allow a mosque in this area would be an insult to the murdered victims of Muslim terrorism.

Moreover, such a mosque could be used as a training center -- in the heart of New York City -- to prepare Muslims for future terrorist attacks on the United States.

Americans need to realize that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were not a one-time event for Muslims in America. Rather, these attacks should be viewed as a prelude to future attacks, in an effort by Muslims to achieve their fanatical desire to replace Christianity with Islam as the primary religion in the United States.

Many Muslims are determined to achieve this goal at any cost -- even if it means giving up their lives in their efforts to do so, as many already have.

Consequently, Americans must take every precaution possible to prevent Muslims from achieving their ultimate goal. Indeed, being complacent with respect to Muslim activities -- and the expansion of their institutions -- in the United States could result in Islam predominating over Christianity as America's primary religion.

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