Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Season Attacks by Hindu Extremists Aimed to Upset Christians in India

With at least two violent attacks and alleged "reconversion" to Hinduism of over 1,700 Christians in the week leading up to Christmas, a sense of fear is growing among India's minority Christian community, according to Compass Direct News.

On December 20, 2009, Hindu extremists attacked a church during worship in western Maharashtra state and a Christmas exhibition in central Madhya Pradesh state. The following day, extremists claimed having converted over 1,700 tribal Christians "back" to Hinduism in western Gujarat state.

The Rev. Anand Muttungal of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Madhya Pradesh said the attacks around Christmas could be a reaction to increased and favorable coverage of Christians and churches in newspapers and television channels during the festival season.

He added, "Rightwing extremists cannot tolerate this, and they cannot stop it either. So, in frustration, they launch attacks."

1 comment:

  1. We are fortunate to live in America where we have the freedom to worship and can appreciate religious/cultural differences instead of persecuting others with different beliefs.
