Friday, June 28, 2024

Biden Criticized for Debate Performance; Concerns His Ability to Be Pres. for 4 More Yrs.

 U.S. President Joe Biden and his Republican rival,Donald Trump, clashed over foreign policy and Russia's war against Ukraine in a televised debate betwen the two oldest candidates ever to seek the U.S. presidency, the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty website reports today June 28, 2024). 

After taking the debate stage on June 27 without shaking hands and with no audience in the hall, the current president and his predecessor  laid out starkly differing views on Rusasaia's full--scale invasion of its neighbor in February 2022. 

But it was Biden's performance, his words delivered with a raspy voice and often haltingly, that overshadowed the topics being discussed and raised concerns over the 81--year-old 's ability to lead the country for another four years.

Trump, who in the past has called Russian President Vladimir Putin's tactics in his 2022 invasion of Ukraine "genius"and "very savvy." attacked Biden saying that if the U.S. had a "real president," Putin would not have attacked Ukraine."He knew not to play games with me," Trump said referring to Putin..

Biden, 81,countered by calling Putin a "war criminal" and warning that if Russia is allowed to succeed in its war, Putin would not stop at Kyiv. "He killed thousands and thousands of people," said Biden, who several times appeared to lose his train of thought while delivering responses.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Okla. High Court: Public Funds for Rel. Charter Schools Is Unconst.; Prohibits Govt. from Making Any Law on Rel.

The Oklahoma Supreme Court on June 25 stopped what would have been the first publicly funded religious charter school in the  U.S., turning back conservatives and the state's GOP governor who have wqelcomed religious groups into public education, the Crux website reports today (June 26, 2024).

The high court determined the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board's 3--2 vote last year to approve an application  by the Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma for the St. Isidore of Seville Virtual Charter School violates the Establishment Clause , which prohibits government from making any law "respecting establishment of religion." 

The ruling also says both Oklahoma and U.S. constitutions , as well as state law, were violated. 

The case is being closely watched because  supporters of the school believe recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions have indicated  the court is more open to public funds going to religious entities. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Terrorists Attack Churches, Synagogues in Russia ; Ocurred Near Muslim Area of Chechenya

 Two Orthodox churches and two synagogues were targeted  in what appears to have been a coordinated terrorist attack in southern Russia timed for t he Orthodox festival of Pentecost, the Catholic Herald website reports t oday (June 24, 2024). An Orthodox priest was one of 20 victims of t he attacks on June 23, the majority of whom are reported to have been police officers. Five gunmen are also dead , reports t he BBC, and at least 46 people are taken to a hospital with injuries after the attacks. In the cities of Derbent and Makhachkala in Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim republic, which borders Chechnya.

Russian media reported that around 6 p.m. on June 23, gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons on an Orthodox church and a synagogue in Derbent, which is home to an ancient Jewish community. 

At around the same time, in the city of Makhachkala, two gunmen ran into an Orthodox church , tried to set fire to the main icon, and opened fire, the Izvestia newspaper said. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

acht Crew Appears in Greek Court for Starting Fire on Hydra Island; Face up tp 20 Years in Prison and a Large Fine

 The 13 crew members of the yacht Persefoni were charged with a felony and ordered to enter a plea on June 17 by the investigating judge, the EuroNews website reporrts today (June 23, 2024). 

If found guilty, they could face a prison sentence of up to 20 years as well as a large fine. 

They were arrested on June 19 for allegedly launching fireworks that caused a fire to break out in a pine forest on the island of Hydra. 

Firefighters managed to put the fire out , but not before it had burned down part of the pine forest. 

The yacht, which had been hired by a group of 17 Kazakh nationals, has since been confiscated by the authorities. 

Hydra's Mayor, Giorgos Koukoudakis said anti--fire zones must be expanded on the island and more access roads built to improve firefighting efforts in the future. 

Although Greece's fires are often caused by extreme heat and fast winds, it  also has a problem with arsonists. 

Last year, Greece significantly increased penalties for both deliberate and negligent arson. The new laws impose fines up to $200,000 and potential prison sentences up to 20 years. 

Greece's Civil Protection Minister, Vassilis Kikilias, warned last week against accidentally triggering wildfires, saying "even the smallest fire can rapidly turn into a fiery front." 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Supreme Court Upholds Gun Control Laws; Intended to Protect Domestic Violence Victims

 The Supreme Court today (June 21, 2024) upheld a federal gun control law that is intended to protect victims of domestic violence in their first Second Amendment case since they expanded gun rights in 2022, the AP website reports. 

The justices ruled 8--1 in favor of a 1994 ban on firearms for people under restraining orders to stay away from their spouses or partners. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Donald Sutherland of "Mash," "Ordinary People," and "Hunger Games" Dies at 88;Was Exceptional Actor

 Donalsd Sutherland, the prolifixc Canadian actor who roared to fame in the irreverent antiwar classic "Mash" and captivated audiences with dramtic performances in films such as "Ordinary People" and "Don't Look Now," has died, the LA Times website reports today (June 20, 2024). 

A mainstay of Hollywood for more than six decades, Sutherland died on June 20 at the age of 88.Sutherland began alternating between roles in film, such as "A Dry White Season " with Marlin Brando and Robert Redford's Oscar--winning "Ordinary People" and character film roles in films such as "JFK" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." 

In 2017 he was given an honorary Oscar, which recognizes extraordinary distinction in lifetime achievement and exceptional contributions to the state of motion picture arts and sciences. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Pope, Cardinals Discuss Role of Women in the Church; Seek to Provide More Jobs for Catholic Women

 Pope Francis and his International Council of Cardinals have continued their discussions about the role of women in the Church, listening to women experts and discussing the possibilities according to canon law, the Catholic News website reports today (June 19, 2024). 

This is the fourth time the pope and the nine--member Council of Cardinals have invited women to make presentations at their meetings. Women experts , including an Anglican bishop, attended the December, February, and April meetings. 

The council met on June 17--18 in the Domus Marthae, the pope's residence, the Vatican press office said. 

Salesian Sister Linda Pocher, a professor of Christology and Mariology at Rome's Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences Auxilium, introduced the speakers on the first day , which was dedicated to the women's talks and the group's reflections. 

Donata Horak, a professor of canon law in Italy, reflected on canon law by making several contrasts , "such as justice and mercy, consultative power and deliberative power, hierarchical principle, and ecclesiology of communion, democratization, and the  monarchical model." 

Council member Cardinal Gracias told Vatican News that he agreed with the importance of increasing the role of women in the Church. 

"I come from India and in some areas women have little importance; they are 'second class' and for this reason  the Church is working" to give them "the right position in the family, in society, in politics," he said. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ukraine, U.S. Sign 10--Year Security Treaty; Treaty Puts U.S. at Risk of WW III

 Ukraine is now a formal ally of the United States, thanks to  a new 10--year bilatreral security agreement signed on June 13 by Biden and Zelensky at the  G--7 conference, the

The agreement commits the U.S. to continue defending Ukraine, sharing military technology,imposing economic sanctions on Russia ,et.c.

The treaty could cause he U.S. to take part in World War III , if Ukraine and Russia are  involved in another major war. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Pope Warns of AI Dangers for Mankind; Humans Have a Heart in Making Decisions, AI Does Not

 Pope Francis has warned of the challenges the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) poses for mankind. 

AI is an "exciting and fearsome tool" that needs strict human oversight, the Pontiff told the leaders of Canada,France, Germany, Italy Japan, Britain, the U.S., and EU during a gathering at the Borgo Egnazia resort in the Italian city of Fasanoon June 14, the RT website reports today (June 16, 2024). 

The algorithms "can only examine realities formalized in numerical terms," while humans who have wisdom and can listen to Sacred Scripture "not only choose, but in their hearts are capable of deciding," he said. 

Itr is paramount "that decision--making, even when we are confronted with the sometimes dramatic and urgent aspects, must always be left to the human person," Pope Francis insisted. 

"We would condemn humanity to a future without hope if we took away people's ability to make decisions about themselves and their lives, by dooming them to depend on the choices of machines," he said. 

The pope urged a creation of "space for proper human control over the choices made by artificial intelligence programs,"stressing that "human dignity itself depends on it." 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Michigan Worshippers Need Permission to Follow Bible; Church Argues against the Law, Says it Should Run Its Parish

 Do Michigan residents need permission from elected and appointed officials in Lansing, their capital city, in order to practice their religious faith? 

That is the issue in dispute in a case being handled by Becket for St. Joseph Parish, and the legal team is arguing against the idea, the WND website reports today (June 13, 2024). 

The Catholic parish, helped by Becket, is challenging a state law that makes it illegal for the Catholic church and school to hire staff based on their agreement to uphold Catholic relifgious beliefs and practices. 

Becket senior counsel William Hann stated, " Michiganders don't need a permission slip from bureaucrats in Lansing to practice their religious beliefs.The court should reject this irresponsible law and let institutions like St. Joseph get back to freely serving their schools, churches, and communities." 

St. Joseph filed a case contesting the state's religious ideology, but it was dismissed. It now is seeking permission from the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to run its parish and school consistent with its faith. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Southern Baptists Reject Formal Ban on Churches with Women Pastors; SBC Doctrine Already States SBC Pastors Are Limited to Men

Southern Baptists narrowly rejected a proposal today (June 12, 2024) to enshrine a ban on churches with women pastors in their constitution after opponents argued it was unnecessary because the denomination already has a way of ousting such churches, the AP website reports. 

The measure received support  from 61% of the delegates, but failed to get the required two--thirds supermajority. 

It still leaves the Southern Baptist Convention(SBC) with the official doctrinal statement saying the official pastor is limited to men. Even the opponents of the ban said they favored that doctrinal statement but didn't think it was necessary to reinforce it in the constitution. 

Opponents noted that the SBC already can oust churches that assert women can serve as pastors  -- as it did last year and last night.  

Monday, June 10, 2024

National Study to Probe Reasons for Drop in Cath. Mass Attendance; Findings to Assist Leaders Understand Recent Sunday Drop

 The National Center for Pastoral Research (NCPR) will soon begin a study of reported reasons why people who continue to affiliate as Catholics do not participate regularly in Sunday Mass, The Catholic Weeekly website reporrts today (June 10, 2024). 

Titled "Absent from the Table," he national study will raise questions aboutt the contemporary religious practice and beliefs of Catholics in Australia, and the place of the Eucharist in their spiritual lives. 

The findings will assist pastoral leaders to better understand the self--understanding of these Catholics, identify how their expression of Catholic identity may have changed, and suggest responses and strategies for seeking to encourage participation in this primary act of worship.Previous studies that have been conducted in this field suggest that there are multiple reasons why Catholics do not attend Mass, including personal beliefs, dissatisfacrtion with church practices, and competing obligations.

NCPR director Trudy Dantis will lead the two--year project alongside her team, including senior researcher Stephen Reid. 

"The first stage of the project , a national survey, will seek participants through dioceses, parishes, schools, support agencies, Catholic universities, and other Catholic organizations and groups," Dr. Reid said. 

A second stage will involve a collection of more in--depth information using interviews. A report of the findings of the project will be completed in November 2025. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Pope Invites Comedians from around World to Celebrate Diversity; Invites Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock from US

Pope Francis, who says he regularly prays "Lord, give me a sense of humor," will welcome comedians from around the world to a cultural event in Italy to "celebrate the beauty of human diversity," the USA Today website reports today (June 9, 2024). 

Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Conan O'Brien, and Chris Rock will be among more than 100 entertainers at the Vatican on June 14.  

The pope "recognizes the significant impact that the art comedy has on the world of contemporary culture," a Vatican statement said. 

British comedian Stephen Merchant, co--writer of TV's "The Office," and Italian comedian Lino Banfi will also be at the event. 

The meeting will take place on June 14, before the pope travels to Puglia to attend the Group of Seven (G7) leaders' summit. 

"The meeting between Pope Francis and the world's comedians aims to celebrate the beauty of human diversity and t o promote a message of peace, love,and solidarity," the Vatican said. 

The audience has been organized by the Vatican's Dicastery for Culture and Education and Dicastery for Communication. 

Goldberg last month saaid in an interview that she had offered the pope a cameo in "Sister Act 3," in wqhich she will reprise her comedy role of a singer who takes refuge in a convent and organizes a choir. 

"He said he would see what his time was like," Goldberg said joking, when asked if the pope had accepted her offer.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Car Insurance Rates Soar since Pandemic; Many Car Owners Change Insurance Cos.

 After getting a slight break on their auto insurance rates during the pandemic, drivers in the U.S. are now seeing rates escalate, the Best Money website reports today (June 7, 2024). 

If your car insurance is currently paid, you drive fewer than 37 miles a day, and live in a qualified zip code, you may get an extremely high discount. 

According to, the average cost of car insurance in 2022 is $1,655 per year. The rising inflation rate and an increased number of accidents on the road are resulting in even higher rates in many states. 

The most significant way for drivers to move money on car insurance is to shop around for the best rates. Often, a consumer's best chance to save many dollars on their insurance bill is to find a new provider using a comparison website, such as, which provides you with the added advantage of lower prices and great deals. 

When drivers visit sites like, they can view all the best rates in their area. Survey data indicates it is possible to save up to $820 per year on your car insurance rates. 

Experts recommend getting at least three price quotes from providers before you buy new car insurance. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Over 1 Million UMC Members Vote to Leave Denomination; Due to Removing Rules that Prohibited Same--Sex Unions

The United Methodist Church Council of Bishops has issued an official response to the news that a regional body with over one million members had voted to leave the denomination, the Christian Post website  reports today (June 6, 2024).

The Cote d'Ivoire Conference,based in West Africa, voted last month to leave the UMC over the denomination removing rules that prohibited the blessing of  same--sex  unions and the ordination of people in same--sex relationship from the Book of Discipline. UMC Council of Bishops President Tracy Malone said in a statement issued June 5 that she acknowledged the vote and the bishops were working with the conference as it becomes an autonomous church body. 

"While we grieve Cote d'Ivoire Conference's decision to separate from the United Methodist Church,  we commit to work with them through the process of becoming an Autonomous Methodist Church." stated Malone. 

"While we are not all of one mind in all things, the strength of our connection is love, respect, compassion, and a shared commitment to faith in Jesus Christ." 

Malone added that UMC "Is a worldwide denomination that shares the same Constitution , Doctrinal Standards, Theological Task, Social Principles, and embraces the cultural, contextual , and theological differences across the connection," 

"The General Conference decisions that removed the restrictive language in the Book of Discipline related to to LGBTQIA persons do not force pastors or churches to act contrary to their conscience and make decisions in their missional contexts," she continued. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Narcissism Is on the Rise in Our Society

Should Christians be concerned about "narcissism growing in our society?" 

Narcisssists are characterized as people who pretend to be nice to get what they want but will be unconcerned about hurting others or discarding them when it suits them, making terrible spouses and family members. Narcissism is blamed for the horrendous scandals committed by church leaders and some of the worst evils of the world, the Christian Today website reports today (June 3, 2024). 

A narcisssist is seen as so excessively self--involved , selfish, focused on the self, in a way that can make a person dangerous. It's one of the "dark triad" personality traits that is linked with a lot of nasty human behavior. And some argue that it's becoming more prevalent in society.

A "narcissistic personality disorder" (NPD) was first classed as a psychiatric diagnosis in 1980 by the American Psychiatric Association  (APA), although the APA discussed scrapping this diagnosis in 2013, arguing it was too simplistic among other things. 

Currently, the APA says symptoms of NPD are "grandiose self--importance" exhibitionisam, fantasies of greatness, emotional disfunctions, and interpersonal problems, such as "feeling entitled to special favors, taking advantage of others, and inability to empathize with the feelings of others." 

Psychology academic Prof. Jean Twenge has written several books on the subject, arguing that since the 1970s, the average person is more narcissistic , which she blames on an excesssive focus on encouraging self--esteem and individualism in schools and in our culture. Prof. Twenge cites research showing that in early 1950s, only 12% of teens agreed"I am an important person" but by the late 1980s an astonishing 80% did so. 

Modern Westerners  are taught that "self -love" is a very good thing, even mandated by Jesus. It is often pointed out that Jesus' command to love our neighbor adds "as yourself."

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Biden Says Israelis, Hamas Reach Gaza Peace Plan; Agree to Cease--fire, Release of All Hostages

 President Joe Biden said Israel has offered a "comprehensive new proposal" to ensure an enduring cease--fire and the release of all hostages after months of failed negotiations, the USA  Today website reported on May 31, 2024. 

The new proposal is "one that brings all the hostages home, ensures Israel's security, creates a better day after in Gaza without Hamas in power, and sets the stage for political settlement that provides a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike," Biden said. 

The proposal, which has three phases, has been relayed by Qatar to Hamas, he said. 

The first phase would last six weeks, and includes "a full and complete cease--fire and withdrawal" of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza, the release of a number of hostages, including women, the elderly, and the wounded in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. 

"There are American hostages who would be released at this stage, and we want them home," Biden said. Remains of hostages who have been killed would be returned to their families, bringing some degree of closure to that terrible grief. 

In the first phase, humanitarian assistance would surge, with 600 trucks carrying aid to Gaza every day. 

"With the cease--fire, that aid would be safely and effectively distributed to all who need irt," the president said. "Hundreds of thousands of temporary shelters, including housing units, would be delivered by the international community. All that and more would begin immediately. 

Phase 2 would include the release of  all remaining living hostages, including male soldiers in exchange for a full I sraeli withdrawal from Gaza. As long as Hamas lives up to its commitments, the temporary cease--fire would become "the cessation of hostilities permanently," Biden said. 

The proposal also indicates that if the negotiations take longer than six weks , the cease--fire would continue as long as negotiations do. 

Phase 3 would include a major reconstruction plan for Gaza, and the bodies of any other hostages killed in captivity would be returned to their families.

Hamas said on May 30 it had told mediators it would not  take part in more negotiations durinf ongoing hostilities, but it was ready for a "complete agreement," including an exchange of hostages and prisoners, if Israel stopped the war.