Thursday, May 30, 2024

Pope Apologizes for Using Defamed Gay Term; Used Term at Bishops' Meetng to Ban Gays at Seminaries

 Pope Francis has issued an apology for using  a derogatory description during a recent closed meeting with a group of Italian Catholic bishops while discussing a ban on homosexuals from seminaries, the Christian Post website reports today (May 30, 2024). 

Matteo Bruni, the director of the Holy See Press Office, released a statement on May 28, explaining that the pontiff is sorry fpr using an Italian word that loosely translates in English to "faggotness." 

"The pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologizes to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others," stated Bruni. 

As he has stated on many occasions,  "There is room for everyone in the Church, for  everyone! No one is useless; no one is superfluous; there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone." 

At a 90--minute, closed-door meeting with more than 200 members of the Italian bishops' conference on May 20 at Vatican City, the pope reaffirmed a 2005 position of the Catholic Church that barred from the priesthood men who "practice homosexuality, present deep--seated homosexual tendencies, or support the so--called gay culture."

Francis was quoted as saying that "It is necessary to put down markers, and prevent the risk that the gay person who chooses the priesthood could later end up living a double--life. continuing to practice homosexuality, while at the same time suffering from this dissimulation." 

According t o multiple news outlets, Francis used the Italian word "frociaggine" during his remarks, a derogatory term for "queerness," stating that "he believed there is too much 'frociaggine' in seminaries."

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Pope Francis Celebrates Vatican's First World Children's Day

Pope Francis celebrated the first ever World Children's Day this past weekend , which brought together 50,000 children from 100 countries in Rome's Olympic Stadium on Saturday, May 25, and in St. Peter's Square on unday, May 26,  the Vatican Dispatch website reports today (May 29, 2024).The children (under the age of 18), accompanied by parents and grandparwents, ave him a tremendous qwelcome when he entered the Olympic Stadium on May25 afternoon on a papal jeep and drove among them. 

Father Enzo Fortunato, the communications director of St. Peter's Basilica and the main organizer of this event,  greeted him together with five children --  from Brazil, China, Australia , Burundi, and Italy -- representing five continents. 

"You speak of life and the future . and the church -- as mother -- welcomes you and accompanies you," Francis saidas he began  a lively, interactive dialogue with the children, with him asking questions and the children shouting their responses. As a Jesuit priest in parishes in Buenos Aires, he would often engage in such dialogueswith children. Among the children present were some from Ukraine and Palestine, and when he asked everyone in the stadium if they thought war" is "good'," they shouted "no!"  He then asked them what they did want. and they shouted back "Peace!" He then asked them to shake hands with each other and told them "That's the way to make peace."Francis then asked them to join him in praying for children suffering from war, children who can't go to school, children who don't have enough to eat, and he invited them to recite the "Ave Maria" with him. 

The three-hour festival included music, songs, artistic performancesand even a rather chaotic 10--minute soccer game with a few well--known Italian soccer stars helping the children. 

Several children asked the pope questions regarding war, injustice, and why so many families are without home, food, or work. The pope, who had a big basket of candy next to him, responded in various ways, and gave each child who asked a question a sweet. He told them, "So many are without food,  but we are egoists." People are without food or homes and this also "is the fruit of war; we spend money on arms."

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Free Bulk COVID--19 Tests Can Now Be Mailed to You

The availability of bulk COVID--19 tests delivered by mail has revolutionized the way individuals can access testing for the virus , the USA Today website reports today (May 25, 2024). 

By providing the option to order multiple test kits at once, individuals can ensure they have an adequate supply on hand for regular testing or for distribution within their households or communities. 

One of the key advantages of bulk COVID--19 tests by mail is the convenience it offers to individuals. By eliminating the need to visit a testing site or healthcare facility, individuals can easily and safely collect  their samples at home, reducing the risk of potential exposure to the virus. This convenience is especially beneficial for those who may have limited mobility. live in remote  areas, or prefer the privacy of testing at home.

Moreover, bulk COVID--19 tests by mail contribute to the overall efficiency of testing efforts, by allowing  individuals to order multiple test kits in a single transaction, resources are utilized more effectively, and the testing process is streamlined . This approach can be particularly valuable during periods ofincreased testing demand or when public health authorities recommend regular testing for specific populations. 

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has played a crucial role in making free COVID--19 tests available to individuals across the countryThrough its partnership with the federal government, USPS offers the option to order up to  four free at--home test kits per household via its official website. This initiative aims to increase testing accessibility particularly for those who may face barriers to obtaining tests by other means. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

George Barna: Biggest Threats Facing Christianity Today

 George Barna, a leading expert in church and worldview trends, has weighed in on some of the biggest issues facing the Church -- including the steady decrease in a biblical worldview and dwindling concern for spiritual formation, the Christian Post website reports today (May 22, 2024). 

In an interview with the Christian Post, the 69--year--old founder of the Barna Group, a market research firmspecializing in studying Americans' religious beliefs and behaviors that he sold in 20009, said that over the last few decades, he's seen certain negative trends increasingly permeate Western Christianity.

People have become more selfisah, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible--cenrter, Barber, who now serves as the director of research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University said:

Families have invested less of their time and energy in spiritual growth, particularly of their children. The    media now influences the Church more than the Church influences the media, or the culture for that matter." 

One of the most troubling trends Barna highlights is the decline in discipleship and a lack of solid, biblical training from seminaries. He criticized the prevalent metrics used by churches  to gauge success-- attendance, fundraising, and infrastructure-- which he stressed have little to do with Jesus' mission. 

"There is poor leadership in seminaries that mislead local churches into thinking that they're actually training individuals whom God has called to be leaders and certifying them to lead local churches, not having any better bringing them on," he said. 

Barna added, "Jesus didn't come to build institutions , he came to build people . And we see that model in His life. He devoted the ministry portion of this life to investing in individuals, and that's what each of us who are followers of Christ need to be doing ." 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Red Lobster Files for Bankruptcy; Was World's Largest Seafood Restaurant Chain

 Red Lobster , which brought affordable shrimp and lobster to middle-class America and grew to become the largest seafood restaurant chain in the world, has filed for bankruprtcy.the NY Times website reports today (May 20, 2024). 

The company said it had more than $1 billion  in debtand less than $30 million in cash on hand . It plans to sell its business to its lenders , and in turn , it will receive financing to stay afloat. It expects to to close restaurants in the meantime.

Red Lobster, known for its cheddar bay biscuits, crab legs, and shrimp dishes, spread around the country during the 1980s  and 1990s. 

With 578 restaurants  across 44 states and Canada, Red Lobster serves 64 million customers a year, and it brings in $2 billion in annual sales, the company said  in its bankruptcy filing. One in five lobster tails purchased in North America is bought by Red Lobster. 

But recent mismanagement, compertition, inflation and other factors brought down Red Lobster, analysts and former Red Lobster employees say.

Years of underinvestment in Red Lobster's  marketing, food quality, service , and restaurant upgrades hurt t he chain's ability to compete with growing fast--casual and quick--service chains. 

Red Lobster started in 1968 by Bill Darden, an architect of the casual dining revolution in America,  and General Mills soon bought the restaurant. Red Lobster later became part of Darden Restaurants, the owner of Olive Garden and other chains. 

In 2014, Darden sold off Red Lobster to Golden Gate Capital, a private equity firm, for $2.1 billion. Since 2020, seafood distributor The Union Group,based in Thailand, has been the largest Red Lobster shareholder. The Union owns 49% of the company.

Red Lobster has struggled under Thai Union. 

The number of customers coming to Red Lobster tumbled 30% since 2019 and has only slightly improved since the pandemic. Earlier this year, Thai Union said it would divest from Red Lobster and take a $530 million loss on its incvestment. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

It's Time to Enhance Christianity in Global Missions

When Jesus gave His command to His disciples to ..."go and make disciples of all nations..." (Matthew 28:16--20 NIV), the only way then to reach people was to physically go into new areas and find places they congregated. The digital era in which we now live presents different opportunities to reach globally, and many argue faster than ever before, the Christian Today website reports   t oday (May 18, 2024).

In April 2024. the Lausanne Movement released its global "The State of the Great Commission" 2024 report.

The report indicates "It is time for a new thing."What catalysts can we use and in which ways can we use them to pursue the mission  of God's kingdom  so all can know Jesus?  

The estimated number of internet users is 5.4 billion. This represents 67 % of the global population. According to the Global Web Index, the average time spent online daily is 6.5 hours. 

The internet has made the world feel smaller in many ways. Digital or online evangelism is entering public spaces and sharing about the life, love and example of Jesus in a whole new way. There is still a significant need to physically go and share the message of Jesus with those who haven't heard, but in some cases where access is difficult, we must harness our technological landscape. 

Sharing the life and love of Jesus in a digital  world   requires a spirit of creativity, authenticity, and adaptability. If we do this, we can extend the reach of our  collective voices as we share the love of Jesus with the world. 

In the words of John Piper, "Don't wait for a feeling or love in order to share Christ with a stranger. You already love your heavenly Father, and you know that this stranger is created by Him... so take those first steps in evangelism because you love God. It is not primarily out of compassion for humanity that we share our faith or pray for the lost; it is first of all , love of God. In other words, it's not a question of  'if'' we are called. We've already said yes. The only question is 'how' to do it  in the context of today."                                                                                                                                                                           

Friday, May 17, 2024

Why Did God Pick the People of Israel as His "Chosen People?"

Why did God choose the people of Israel to be a "royal priesthood" and a "holy nation" Exodus 19:5)? Was  irt because of somerthing inherently good in them? Was it because they were better than other peoples? The Lord answered this question directly, saying, "The Lord did not set His affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. But it was because the Lord loved you and kept the oath, He swore to your ancestors that He brought you out  with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt"  (Deuteronomy 7:7--9), the Christian Post website reports today (May 17, 2024). 

Paul addressed this as well, writing, "For He says to Moses,. ' I will have mercy on whom I have mercy , and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.' It does not , therefore, depend on human desire or effort , but on God's mercy" (Romans 9:15--16).

In short, Israel was chosen because of the sovereignty of God, not because of Israel's own merit. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Israel Accused of Genocide in World Court;Israel's War in Gaza Must Be Stopped to Protect Palestinians

 South Africa asked the t op international court today (May 16, 2024) to order a halt to the Rafah offensive, accused Israel of genocide , and said the country's war effort "must be stopped"to protect the Palestinian people , the USA Today website reports. 

South Adfrica's legal representatives at the International Court of Justice -- also known as the World Court --  said Israel's shutdown of the Rafah and Kerem Shalom border crossings have plunged Gaza into "unprecedented levels  of humanitarian need."  They demanded  Israel completely withdraw from Rafah, a city of 250,000 before the war that swelled to more than one million ,as refugees fled fighting elsewhere in Gaza. 

"From the onset, Israel's intent was always to destroy Palestinian life and to wipe them off the face of the earth," said South African law professor Max du Plessis. "Rafah is the final stand. "  

Israel will provide a response in court tomorrow. Israeli offficials have previously denied in court claims the country's military campaign violates the 1949 Genocide Convenrtion, arguing that it stepped up efforts to provide humanitarian aid for Gaza in acordance with previous court orders. 

The court's rulings and orders  are binding, but it has no way to enforce them. Israeli Prime Minister  Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly claimed Israel is defending itself after the Hamas--led attack October 7 that resulted in almost 1,200 deaths and the seizing of more than 250 hostages.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Blinken: Israeli Offensive in Gaza Won't Defeat Hamas; Instead, Israel Should Withdraw from Gaza

U.S. Secretary of State Aantony Blinken has criticized Israel's conduct of the war in Gaza, claiming that an all--out offensive in Rafah in the south of the Palestinian enclave would only provide "anarchy, rather than eliminating Hamas, the RT website reports today (May 14, 2024)

In a pair of TV interviews on May 12, Blinken underscored that Washington believes Israeli forces should "get out of Gaza " as their tactics have failed to neutralize Hamas and could drive a lasting insurgency. 

The top U.S. diplomat told CBS that a full--scale invasion of Rafah could come  "potentially at an incredibly high cost" for civilians , and that even a massive assault on the southern Gazan city was unlikely to end the threat from Hamas.  

Washington is waiting to see credible plans from West Jerusalem for Gaza once the war is finally over, Blinken said in another interview with NBC, addding, "we've been talking to them [Israeli authorities] about a much better way of getting an enduring result." 

Blinken's comments come as Israeli forces have been pushing deeper into the densely populated Rafah , where more than a million Palestinians have crowded in hopes of  refugee. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Turkey Makes Greek Orthodox Church into a Muslim Mosque; Move Is Condemned by Greek Government

 Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan officially inaugurated a former Byzantine--era church , previously known as  the Church of the Holy Savior in Chora, a United Nations World Heritage Site, as a mosque this week, drawing condemnation fom the Greek government, the Christian Post website reports today (May 13, 20214). 

The change is part of a series of conversions in recent years, including the iconic Hagia Sophia in 2020, and has garnered international criticism .

Located in the Faith district of Istanbul, near the ancient city walls, the building, known locally as Kariye, is celebrated for its intricate mosaics and frescoes dating back to the 11th and 12th centuries. 

Greece has been vocal in its criticism, especially since the Kariye was opened as a mosque the day afrter the Greek Orthodox Easter. The Greek Foreign Ministry condemned the move in a statement:

"The Turkish authorities' decision to begin the operation of the Monastery of Chora as a Muslim mosque constitutes a provocaton for the international community as it distorts and affects its characters as a UNESCO World Heritage Site belonging to humanity," the statement reads. 

"The maintenance of monuments' universal character and compliance with international standards for the protection of religious and cultural heritage is a clear international obligation binding on all States. "

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Israel Calls on Palestinians to Leave Southern Gaza City of Rafah; Israeli Mil. May Be Planning to Attack Rafah

 Israel yesterday called for Palestinians in nine areas of Gaza's southern city of Rafah to evacuate and head to what it calls an expanded humanitarian area in Al--Mawasi, in a further indication that the military is pressing ahead with plans for a ground attack on Rafah, the USA Today website reports today (May 12, 2024). 

In a post on social media site X, a military spokesperson also called on residents and displaced people in the Jabalia  area of northern Gaza, and 11 other neighborhoosds in the enclave to go immediately to places wst of Gaza City. 

The Palestinian health ministry said at least 37 Palestinians, 24 of them from central Gaza areas, were killed in overnight airstrikes across the enclave, including in Rafah.

The Biden administration acknowledges possible Israeli weapons misuse in a report to Congress. 

"There is no safe place in Gaza," Khitan Al--Khatib, who said she had lost at least 10 of her relatives in an airstrike on a family house, told Reuters. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

What Is Ascension Day?

Thursday, May 9, is Ascension Day, which is a public holiday in many countries, the Christian Today website reports today (May 10, 2024).

The English word "to ascend " means to go up, and an "ascent" process of doing it. In English, we talk about "ascent of Mount Everest or a person's" arcension  to the presidency." In theology, ascension is the idea that some individuals  ascend to heavenwithout dying first or first die and are bodily resurrected and taken into heaven.  

In the Bible, the idea  of ascension is sometimes applied to Enoch, who was Noah's great-grandfather. The text says, " And Enoch walked with God: and he was not ; for God took him." (Genesis, 5:24). It is not totally clear what that means, but some people interpret it to mean that Enoch had an ascension ionto heaven. A clearer story is told of Elijah . The text reads "behold, there appeared a  chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went uo by a" whirlwind into heaven." (2 Kings2:n).

After the resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days with the disciples . The scene of the Ascension is the Mount of Olives near Bethany near Jerusalem. The Gospel accounts by Matthew and John do not record the ascension, but it is recorded by Mark and Luke. Mark mentions it at the end of his Gospel where it reads: "So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, He was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God (Luke 24: 52--53).

t of fire 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Billy Graham Statue to Be Unveiled in US Capitol; Is a Great Honor for Top American Evangelist

 The late evangelist Billy Graham wiltake his place next week among 200 Americans honored with a statue in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., the Christian Post website reports today (May 9 , 2024). 

Graham's statue will be unveiled on  May 16 during an 11 a. m. ceremony that will be attended by musician Michael W. Smith, House Speaker Mike Johnson, R--La., and other congressional representatives, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association announced. 

The bronze sculpture, designed by an artist from Graham's birthplace of Charlotte, North Carolina, will stand seven feet tall on a pedestal and depict him gesturing toward an open Bible in his hand as a symbol  of his life's work. 

The pedestal will be engraved with 'JOHN 3:16 and JOHN 14:6 , and Graham will be proclaimed as a "Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Columbia Univ. Cancels Main Commencement; Due to Many Palestinian Protesters Arrested

 Columbia University canceled its main commencement ceremony, but will go ahead with smaller--scale graduations , the school said yesterday, after weeeks of pro--Palestinian demonstrations disrupted the campus, the USA Today website reported yesterday (May 7, 2024.).

"We have decided to make the centerpiece of our commencement activities our class days and school--level ceremonies , where students are honored individually alongside their peers, rather than the university--wide ceremony that is scheduled for May 15," the Upper Manhattan school said in an announcement.. 

School spokesman Ben Chang added, "Holding a large commencement ceremony on our campus presented security concerns that unfortunately proved insurmountable." 

"Like our students , we are deeply disappointed with this outcome." 

He said Columbia tried to come up with a different venue to still hold the traditional larger commencement, but couldn't find one large enough. More than 50,000 people typically attend the ecvent. 

None of the school's smaller ceremonies will even be held on its  iconic South Lawn, where such events are usually staged -- and where hundreds of protesters were recently  arrested for refusing to leave a massive tent encampment. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

EU Ready to Make Full Use of Trade Defense Tools against China, EU Chief Warns

European Union  ( EU)  Chief von der Leyen warned today (May 6, 2024) that trhe European Union stands to flex its muscles to protect the bloc from China's aggressive trade practices , the Euro News website reports today. 

It is von de Leyen's starkest warning that the EU executive will leave no stone unturned in its bid to stop China 's heacvily --subsidized manufacturing sector unfair trade practices from suffocating Europe's homegrown industries.

It is also the clearest sign to date that the bloc is preparing for a potential trade war with China. 

"For trade to be fair, access to each other's markets also needs to be reciprocal , von der Leyen told reporters in Paris adfter meeting the Chinese President alongside France's Emmanuel Macron.

"We stand ready to make full use of our trade defense instruments if this is necessary,"von der Leyen added

"Europe cannot accept market-distorting practices that could lead to de--industrialization here at home." 

"Europe will not waver from making tough decisions needed to protect its economy and its security."  

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Danish Govt. Permits Women to End Pregnancies 18 Weeks after Conception;Girls over 15 Can Have Abortion 18 Weeeks after Conception without Parental OK

The Danish government announced on May 3 that it will permit women to have their pregnancies terminated until 18 weeks after conception, instead of 12, the RT website reports today (May 4, 2024).

Aditionally, girls over 15 will get the right to have an abortion without  parental approval.

"Choosing whether to have an abortion is a diffficult situation and I hope that young women can find support from their parents. But if there is disagreement , whether she wants to be a mother," Marie Bjerre, Minister of Digitzation and Gender Equality said. 

Currently, women under age 18 are allowed to get abortions, but only with parentel consent. The amended Health Act will take affect on June 1, 2025.  

Thursday, May 2, 2024

US,Other Nations to Shut Down Coal Plants; Agree to Shut Them Down by 2035

 Early this week, all the nations using coal planrts agreed to shut them down by 2035 at the latest, the New American website reported on May 1, 2024

This includes the U.S. , which still operates more than 200 coal-- fired power plants. 

It does not include China and India which are starting up new coal plants faster than the West is shutting its down.