Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Rise of the US Evangelical Right; US Evangelical Church Has Much Indfluence

 The Evangelical Christian Churches in the  U.S. are a very important feature of American life and have a great influence on the world evangelical community, the Christian Today website reports today (April 30, 2024). 

They make up a large part of rthe Christian population of the U.S. as well as the overall population. 

 The impact on culture, communities,  and individual lives is difficult to exaggerate. However, it is their involvement with politics which has increasingly gained attention. Their close association with the Republican Party is wqell known , but their support for Donald Trump has become a defining feature since 2016.

In 2016, it generally is  accepted that about 81% of White U.S. evangelists voted for Donald Trump. Some analysis of the data argues for it being 79%, but figures are comparable . The proportion voting for Trump in 2020 was similarto the higher figure. This support of white evangelicals (and it is necessary to add that racial clarifier) for the Republican Party in its current Trump--MAGA -- form, has become one of the norms of modern U.S. politics. There is every sign that 20 24 will  be comparable with previous  patterns of voting. 

The ideological voting pattern, so clear in 2016 and 2020, looks set to continue. 

 It is a political and cultural phenomenon of great importnce. But what is its history? How has the U.S. "evangelical right" emerged as such a political force? And why is it so important of  Donald Trump and MAGA? 

Right--leaning evangelical Protestants have been involved in politics for much of the twentieth century and the activities are not simply a modern phenomenon , although during the past 35 years they have come to increasing prominence. As far back as 1940s, 50s and 60s,anxieties about the perceived threat of communism and changing patterns of social behavior caused many with this outlook to gravitate towards the Republican Party as a way of defending what would have been  described as the Protestant--based moral order. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

US Sec.of State Blinken Seeks Peace in Mideast; Tries to Convince Israel, Hamas to Ceasefire in Gaza

 Secretary of State Antony Blinken is on a difficult mission to the Middle East this week, as he tries to get Israel and Hamas to agree to a ceasefire and hostage release deal that would end the devastation in Gaza, the Politico Playbook PM website reports today (April29, 2024).

The Biden administration's immediate goal is to stave off an Israeli ground invasion of Rafah, to which a larege percentage f Palestinians have been displaced. U.S. officials hope a pause in the war could pave the way for talks to create a more durable peace. 

Negotiations could start as ssoon   as tomorrow (April 30, 2024), and they are seen as an uphill battle for the U.S., Egypt, Qatar,and otrhers to get  the two sides to agree to a deal.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Pres. Experts Rank Greatness of All U.S. Pres. ; Lincoln Is Ranked First, Trump Ranked Last

A group of presidential experts was asked to create a ranking of presidential greatness that covered all presidents from George Washington to Joe Biden, the USA Today website reports today (April 28, 2024). 

To do this, they asked respondents to rate each president on a scale of 0 -- 1100 for their overall greatness, with 0 equal to failure, 50 average , and 100 great. They then averaged the ratings  for each president and ranked them from highest avcerage to lowest. 

The survey showed Trump ranked last.

Abraham Lincoln, who won the Civil Warand ended slavery,  was  ranked dfirst , ahead of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who saw the U.S. through the Great Depression and the Second World War.

Next, came George Washington, the first president   who won independence from Britain, then Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, and Harry Truman respectively. 


Friday, April 26, 2024

Big Protest against Israel Held at Northeastern Univ.; More Than 100 Students and Faculty Members Take Part

 Northeastern University in Boston launched a large ptotest against Israel yesterday which was joined by students from Berklee College of Music, the Boston Globe website reports today (April 26, 2024). 

"I'm feeling really invigorated and inspired and agitated in a good way," said Ixchel, an upperclass student at Northeastern.

By 8 a.m. tents sprung up on Centennial Common. Throughout the day more than 100 students and faculty members banded together, chanting and linking arms in a circle around the common at the center of campus.

"I think it's really beautiful to see that kind of solifarity, said Maya, a senior at Northeastern.

 As for the large group of Northeastern police officers who arrived in riot gearto oversee the encampment, Maya said their presence was "uncomfortable and scary" and she felt they were " trying to intimidate students." 

"We are students who are expressing our free speech, and we should have the right to do that like any other political organizing group that doesn't get based with that kind of police repression." Maya said. 

Around 5:30p.m., student organizers gathered crowds into the center of the grassy common. "Don't talk t o cops," one organizer said into a microphone. "Don't talk to administrators; administrators are cops."

Some 15 tents dotted the grass, many covered in tarps and Palestinian flags. Handmade cardboard signs were spread on the common. "The cold is coming in, said one student , who noted that hand warmers and extra blankets were in ample supply.

Around 7 p.m. students from Berklee College of Music marched rto Northeastern 's campus to join the encampment. 

Jake, 20, a junior at Northeastern studying computer science, is Jewish. As he sat on a bench outside of t he grassy common with a group of friends, he said he is wary of "protests that  start out with good intentions but then turn antisemitic. " 

"I come out here to support rto  other Jewish students,to show we're not going to be intimidated out of being on our own campus, " said Jake who is from New Jersey. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Police Arrest Protesters at Univ. of S. Calif.; Clashes between Pro--Palestinian Demonstrators, School Admin.

 Police arrested protesters yesterday at the University of Southern California (USC) campus, which closed to the public amid clashes between pro--Palestinian  demonstrators and aauthorities at the school and nationwide, the USA  Today website reports today (April 25, 2024). 

Hundreds of students and off--campus activists protested for hours at the university , joining movements at colleges across the country , demanding that universities cut any ties to Israel and calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. 

Arrests were made at the USC campus last night, a Los Angeles police spokesperson told USA Today. 

The university closed the main campus due to"significant activity on campus," USC 's Dept. of Public Safety said in an alert to students. 

"If you are in the center of campus, please leave; LAPD will be arresting people who don't disperse," USC's Dept. of Public Safety wrote on  X (formerly Twitter). 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Senate Passes $95B Foreign Aid Package; Provides Billions to Ukrane, Israel, and Taiwan

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate voted 79 -- 18, passing a $95 billion foreign aid package that provides $61 billion to Ukraine, $26 billion to Israel, and $8 billion to Taiwan, the New American website reports today (April 24, 2024).  

President Joe Biden said Senate Democrats and Republicans joined together to answer a historic call, stating on X:

"Tonight , a bipartisan majority in the Senate joined the House to answer history's call at this critical inflection point. Congress has passed my legislation to strengthen our natural security and send a message to the wortld about the power of American leadership: We stand resolutely for democracy and freedom, and against tyranny and oppression. I will sign this bill into law tomorrow."

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Earth Day Falls on April 22 Ecvery Year; Environmental Protection Agency Created in 1970 for Cleaner Water, Air, Land

 Earth Day falls on April 22 every year, the USA Today website reports  today (April 21, 2024). 

This year, it falls on a Monday and shares the date with the start of the Jewish holiday, Passover.

Earth Day has been celebrated for over 50 years, but is not federally recognized. 

The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 when 20 million people went to inaugural events at schools, universities, and other public areas around the country, according to the Library of  Congress website. 

Senator Gaylord Nelson advocated for Earth Day and called on students to fight for environmental causes and oppose environmental degradation with  he same energy  that they displayed in opposing the Vietmam War, states the Library. 

Then, the Library adds, in July of 1970 , the Environmental Protection Agency was created after the public demanded cleaner water, air, and land as more disasters caused by climate change and pollution impacted the country.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Israel Attacks Iran Today to Retaliate for Iran's Israeli Attack; Israel's Limited Attack May Be to De-escalate Conflict

 Israel launched an attack on Iran today (April 19, 2024) in response to Tehran's unprecedented air assault on its territory , the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty website reports. 

The Iaraeli retaliation appeared limited in size and scope, with experts saying it was aimed at de-escalating soaring tensions , while still sending a clear message to Iran. 

Raz Zimmt, a senior researcher at the Israel--based Institute of National Security Studies, said Israel's use of quadcopter drones sugggests its aim was to "expose the vulnerability of the Iranian security forces" on their own turf. 

Zimmt said the attack was not without its risks, but out of  all the options available to Israel, it was probably the least risky. 

Reuters quoted an unnamed Iranian official as saying that Tehran "has no plan to strike back immediately."

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Many of World's Coral Reefs Turn White in Global Bleaching;54 Countries Have Had Bleaching Reefs as Climate Change Warms Ocean Waters

 Along coastlines from Australia to Kenya to Mexico, many of the world's colorful coral reefs have turned a ghostly white in what scientists said this week amounted to the fourth global bleaching event in the last three decades, the Reuters website reports today (April 17, 2024). 

At least 54 countries and territories have experienced mass bleaching among their reefs since February 2023 as climate change warms the ocean's surface waters, according to the U.S.National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Coral Reef Watch, the world's top coral reef monitoring body. 

Bleaching is triggered by water temperature anomalities that cause corals to expel the colorful algae living in their tissues. Without the algaes'  help in delivering nutrients to the corale, the corals cannot survive.

"More than 54% of the reef areas in the global ocean are experiencing bleaching--level heat stress," Coral Reef Watch coordinator Derek Manzello said. 

Announcement of the latest global bleaching event was made jointly by NOAA and the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), a global intergovernmental conservation partnership. For an event to be deemed global, significant bleaching must occur in all three ocean basins --  the Atlantic, Pacific. and Indian -- within a 365--day period. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Poll: Large No. of Young Adults Say Bible Has Positive Effects on Them; Youngest Adults Show Signs of Interest, Curiosity, Transformative Interaction

 The American Bible Society released the first installment of its State of the Bible USA2024 report on April 11, the Christian Post website reports today (April 15, 2024). 

Itrs new poll reveals that the share of young adults who think the Bible has had a transformative effect on their lives has increased, even as a majority of them remain "Scripture Disengaged."

American Bible Society Chief Program Offfcer and Editor--in--Chief of the State of the Bible series John Farquhar Plake, said, "Our youngest adults show signs of interest, curiosiy, and transformative interaction with it, and added, "If  this trend continues, we have good reason for hope." 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Iran Hits Israel with over 100 Attack Drones; Pushes Middle East to Brink of Regional War

Iran has launched a wide--scale aerial assault against Israel in an unprecedented revenge mission, threatening to push the Middle East to the brink of a regional war, the CBN website reports today (April 13, 2024). 

Israel reports the  islamic regime in Tehran has unleashed more than 100 attack drones as well as ballistic missiles, Rocket sirens and booms could be heard across the entire country, including Jerusalem. It is unclear if the booms are an incoming attack or the sound of interceptions in the air. 

U.S. officials say the U.S. military has shot down iranian drones headed for Israel. Britain's Royal Air Force jets "will intercept any airborne attacks within range of our existing missions, as required," the country's Ministry of Defense says. 

Israeli Defense Foreign Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says in a video statement that Israeli fighter jetsa are in the air ready to counter any attack.

Iran's mission to the United Nations says in a post on X it has "concluded" its attack on Israel and warned the US. to stay out of the conflict. "Iran's military action was in response to the zionist regime's aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus," the post says. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Investigative Journalism Is under Attack; by the Mainstream Media

The reputation for legacy media outlets, the wire services, networks,and old school broadsheets has plunged in recent years, the WND website reports today (April 12, 2024).But now a respected investigative journalist, Catherine Herridge --who used to work for CBS and documented the Hunter Biden laptop scandal-- is  charging the network with an offense even more  extremei: "Journalistic rape."

The New York Post reports the claim came about because, she told the House Judiciary Committee, and the network fired her, then seized her files. 

"When my records were seized, I felt it was journalistic rape,"Herridge  explained. "When the network of Walter Cronkite seizes your reporting files, including confidential source information, that is an attack on investigative journalism," she said.  

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Biden Admin. Proposes a New Student Loan Relief Plan; Over 25M Borrowers Could Get Loan Balances Forgiven

 Another student loan relief plan is being proposed by the Biden asdministration, the CNET website reports today (April 11, 2024).

If it is implemented, more than 25 million borrowers could get their remaining loan balances forgiven as early as this fall. 

The plan proposes two major changes :

1. Canceling student debt for borrowers who first entered repayment 20 or more years ago. 

2. Wiping out up to $20,000 in unpaid interest on loans that have entered repayment , regardless of income. Lower-- and middle--income borrowers could be eligible for even more. 

The administration's newest plan announced  on April 8, avoids the more sweeping forgiveness of last year's proposal, which was set to forgive up to $20,000 in federal student loans for all borrowers before it was blocked by the Supreme Court in June. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

US Sen.Warren: Israel Is Guilty of Genocide;Says ICJ toFind Israel Guilty of Its Gaza Strip Actions

A U.S. Democratic senator, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Mass., said on April 6, 2024 that she thinks the International Court of Justice (ICJ) will find that Israel committed genocide in the Gaza Strip, in a speech in a Boston mosque, the WIN website reports.  

"For me, it is more important to say what Israel is doing is wrong. And it is wrong to starve chilldren within a civilian population in order to try to bend to your will. It is wrong to drop 2,000--pound bombs in density--populated civilian areas," Sen. Warren  said. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Israel and World Judaism Are in a Time of Crisis; ADL's Emeritus Director Fights Antisemitism

As the National Director of the Anti--Defamation League (ADL) from 1987 to 2015, Abraham Foxman, is a world--renowned leader of antisemitism, the Jerusalem Post website reports today (April 9, 2024).

Foxman, who currently serves as ADL"s Emeritus Director, is a world--renown leader in fighting antisemitism. 

He is also an expert in what motivates the hatred and how such bigotry and discrimination manifested and evolved over the years.  

Monday, April 8, 2024

Vatican Publishes 2024 Yearbook of Church;Offers Data to Assess Trends Affectng. Cath. Church

 The Holy See has published the 2024 Pontifical Yearbook and the 2022 Statistical Yearbook of the Church, detailing the numbers of bishops, priests, men and women religious, and deacons throughout the world , the Vatican News website reports today (April 8, 2024).

The Pontifical Yearbook offers information regarding the life of the Catholic Church worldwide for the period December 1 2022 to December 31, 2023. 

During this period, nine new Episcopal Sees and one Apostolic Administration were established, two Episcopal Sees were elevated to Metropolitan Sees and one Apostolic Vicariate to an Episcopal See.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Poll: Americans Skip Meals to Pay Rising Home Costs; 50% Have Difficulty Paying House Debts

 Half of Americans are struggling to afford their rising housing costs, and the financial squeeze is so severe for many that one in five skip meals to get by, the RT website reports. 

The survey, commissioned by Seattle--based real estate brokerage Redfin and released yesterday (April 6,2024) showed that 50% of U.S. homeowners and renters have had difficulties making their housing payments. 

Many respondents said they had to make sacrifices to cope with inflationary pressures.For instance, 22% reported that they had skipped meals.21% sold some of their belongings,and a combined 37% either worked extra hours or took additional jobs. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Pope Slams Gender Inequality for Women in April Prayer; Women Must Be Respected, True Rights

 In his prayer video for the month of April, Pope Francis lamented instances of gender inequality throughout the world and called for women to be respected and their rights universally guaranteed, the Crux website reports today (April 6, 2024). 

The pope noted that "In many parts of the world, women are treated like the first thing to get rid of."

"There are countries where women are forbidden to access aid, open a business, or go to school ," he said. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

US Sec. of State: Ukraine Will Join NATO Soon; NATO to Help Ukraine Fight Aggressive Rusia

 U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium that Ukraine will join NATO, stating Ukraine will become a member of NATO.

Blinken stated,"Our  purpose at the  summit is to help build a bridge to that membership, and to create a clear pathway to Ukraine moving forward." 

Blinken and all NATO allies met with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba to discuss supporting Ukraine in its war with Russia. Blinken stated: "I think it is safe to say the support for Ukraine, the determination of every country represented here at NATO remains rock solid.  We will do everything that we can , allies will do everything that they can to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to continue  to deal with Russia's ongoing aggression against Ukraine." 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

At Least 9 People Dead, 946 Injured in Taiwan Earthquake; Largest to Hit Taiwan in 25 Years

 A 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck the east coast of Taiwan yesterday (April 3, 2024) , leaving nine people dead and at least 946 injured, the Yahoo News website reports. 

The earthquake was the largest to hit the island in a quarter century, and officials say that the number of casualties is expected to rise as the extent of the damage becomes clear. 

Efforts are underway to rescue those who  were left trapped by the earthquake -- including 50 people aboard mini buses heading t o Taroko National Park, partially located in Hualien County, the quake's epicenter, and 64 individuals stuck in a rock quarry.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Israelis Kill 7 Working for Food Aid for Gazans; Israelis Say Killings Not Intended for Aid Workers

 Seven people working for food aid charity World Central Kitchen (WCK) have been killed by an Israeli strike in Gaza, the BBC website reports today (April 3, 2024). 

The charity says the aid workers were traveling in three cars -- two of them armoured. 

Justin Crump, a former British Army officer who runs a risk intelligence company, says the attack "was lkely drone--launched and targeted." He added the strike was likely caused by a missile, rather than a bomb or mortar.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Jerusalem Church Leaders Praise Gaza Christians; Tell Gazans Not to Lose Hope in Time of Hunger

Ahead of Easter, several Church leaders in Jerusalem sent a message to the people of Gaza assuring of their closeness and support, telling Gazans not to lose hope, while the Jesuit order insisted they cannot be silent as millions face potential famine, the Crux website reports. 

Speaking to the parishioners of the Latin--rite Holy Family Catholic Church in Gaza in a March 30, 2024 video message for Easter, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, said, "we want to express our best wishes of happy Easter, as much as possible."

With the feast of Easter taking place amid war,,"we want to celebrate not only our sorrow, not what you are sufffering, more than others, but we want to express our joy in belonging to Jesus,"  Pizzaballa said.  

Monday, April 1, 2024

Pope Leads 60K People in Easter Services; Seeks Ceasefire in Gaza and Prisoner Swap in Ukraine

 Pope Francis rallied from a winter--long bout of respiratory problems to lead some 60,000 people in Easter celebrations Sunday, making a strong appeal for a ceasefire in Gaza and a prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine, the AP News website reports on March 31, 2024.

Francis presided over Easter Sunday Mass in a flower--decked St. Peter's Square and then delivered a heartfelt prayer for peace in his annual roundup of global crises. Gaza's people, including the small Christian community there, have been a source of constant concern of Francis and Easter in the Holy Land overall was a somber affair this year given the war. 

"Peace is never made with weapons, but with outreached hands and open hearts," Francis said from the loggia overlooking the square , to applause from the wind--swept crowd below.